Building A Dry Sauna

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How do you go about building a dry sauna?

Building A Dry Sauna

If you want to build your own dry sauna, you have several different options. You can design and build your dry sauna yourself, drawing up the plans and gathering the materials on your own. Or, you can buy a pre-fabricated kit from a manufacturer and simply follow the directions to put together the sauna.

Regardless of if you are going to build a sauna yourself or buy a kit, make sure you decide how large to make the sauna, where you want it, and what kind of power source you want to use for your stove.

If you want to purchase a manufacturer's sauna kit, you can send them your measurements and they'll build the sauna to fit your specifications. If you want a little help but don't want to buy an entire kit from a manufacturer, you can also just buy the sauna housing and do the rest yourself.

If you want to build the sauna yourself, make sure you plan carefully and have your design worked out before you begin. Browse dry sauna brochures to get ideas on how to build your sauna, and talk to others who have build their own saunas for advice.



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